Derived from the unfinished novel written by Charles Dickens, the “show within a show” orders the actors to portray two characters, the actors and actresses from the Music Hall Royale and the characters they play in The Mystery of Edwin Drood. The musical follows the story of Edwin Drood, a rich and popular young man portrayed by the famous male impersonator, Alice Nutting. Drood is set to be married to the beautiful Rosa Bud, portrayed by young actress Deirdre Peregrine; however, as the show progresses, other male admirers come to light creating turmoil for the two lovers. In the confusion among the characters, Drood disappears and is presumed to be dead presenting the audience with the question, “Who murdered Edwin Drood?” The answer to the murder mystery is decided by the audience, who will make numerous plot-altering decisions throughout the show.

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